to-do list

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  • This list is, thank goodness, smaller than it was on Friday.

    newredshoes Oct 13, 2013 00:55

  • 4-5 page paper on BoB (comparing barn scenes in "Replacements," "Why We Fight," plus supplementary literature)
  • Readings/notes for Cybersecurity; figuring out paper (due Friday)
  • Baby MBA readings/bullet points
  • If ( Read more... )

    to-do list, let's do this j-school tango (medill), the questing beast

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  • Shuffle shuffle shuffle

    newredshoes Aug 31, 2013 09:23

    My quarter's still not over yet, technically: I have to transcribe an interview that did not go very well (both because she wasn't the right source and because she reminded me physically of my old boss, which threw me), and then do some edits on my feature (if there's anything to really add). But I'm also well on my way to giving myself projects ( Read more... )

    to-do list

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  • (Untitled)

    newredshoes Jul 22, 2013 16:13

    Ugh. Okay. I have to fight the urge to nap, because I have to do the following things:
  • Edit a 2K story down to 500 words for editing class
  • Write up a pitch for editing class (story, to be written, will also be peer fact-checked and reviewed)
  • Write a blog post for Old Work Blog that hasn't gotten in touch with me since... April? So I figured I was ( Read more... )

    to-do list

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  • ...cannot actually remember when I put the last load in.

    newredshoes May 12, 2013 14:31

    I have a few things to do today.
  • Several thousand loads of laundry
  • Finish Division Street and begin a rough draft of a book review that may wind up being an audio slideshow, but only after I've written to my instructor and hashed out the direction of the thing
  • ...did I mention the laundry? Ohgod.
  • Choose about six photos out of (I shit you not) 1, ( Read more... )

    to-do list, movie review, audio

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  • For my own reference, today/this weekend:

    newredshoes May 04, 2013 14:24

  • Laundry
  • Groceries (meal planning)
  • Build three-page website to specs using HTML and CSS for coding midterm
  • Find and photograph a sports event for photojournalism
  • Find and contact a working photojournalist to interview
  • Finish reading Division Street, figure out how to go about doing this book review/possible short documentary
  • Post-Shrewsbury zombie ( Read more... )

    to-do list

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  • Yes, surely this will all be accomplished in this one Sunday.

    newredshoes Apr 07, 2013 08:36

    For my own reference --
  • Beat memo (3-5 pages)* [this is kind of gigantic and multipart]
  • Two feature photos about the weather
  • Buy domain
  • Sign up for
  • Groceries/meal planning
  • Living room declutter

    Yesterday I discovered that I had done this to a pair of Doc Martens I had only been wearing for six weeks. The separation between the sole and ( Read more... )

    bodies are people too, to-do list, you're never born too late, link-mongering

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  • I... Hold up. Dammit, wait.

    newredshoes Oct 21, 2012 00:17

    Did I make that happen for real? My fingers are in open revolt after something like 90 minutes of tooling around, but it's entirely possible I've just cracked KenBran's "Sigh No More" for ukulele.

    We'll have to try again in the morning, if I decide against hitting up this vintage fair (last of the season! why did I only find out about it now!?) ( Read more... )

    to-do list, shakespeare, you're never born too late, got a youtube account and a ukulele

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  • Needs more swagger

    newredshoes Feb 18, 2012 14:28

    I'm having some trouble focusing today. I have so many really important things to do while I have the time and space:
  • My application essays for grad school, so I can pull myself out of my toxic and enervating job.
  • Cleaning of the apartment, so it's not a constant physical reminder of not having the energy to look after myself this past few weeks.
  • Read more... )

    to-do list

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  • Look at this dreamboat.

    newredshoes Jan 11, 2012 21:29

    Look how doofy this dreamboat is.

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    the open road, to-do list, hole in my pocket, tom hiddleston: double first in classics

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